McLean To Inspire Farm

Farm Fresh Flowers

I didn’t realize how much flowers can change lives.

Growing up I (Acacia McLean) did not understand the logic of why someone would “waste” money on cut flowers that would end up just wilting and dying. I loved the look of flowers and the idea of flowers. This just didn’t make sense to me. I grew up low income and something like this seemed like such a luxury item. I think part of me knew it was so out of reach financially that I justified the logic of wastefulness by not giving credit to the emotional power these little beauties hold. Unlike others I knew I didn’t really get the opportunity to be gifted flowers and this also contributed to my lack of knowing the power they hold. I admired flowers but it felt like I did so from afar…like I was afraid to get close to them for the fear of being disappointed by not experiencing the happiness they seemed to bring others. For whatever reason I kept my distance and made whatever excuse to avoid the attachment.

Max & I both were born in raised in the Willamette valley Oregon and there is lots of fertile soil and numerous flower farms, flower festivals & gardens to visit. Growing up I had multiple experiences where I visited these places and they made a huge impact on me as an artist and creative person. As an adult I chose to keep returning because of the happiness and joy they gave me. To be able to just stand somewhere and take in the enormous beauty of nature all around you. It gave me such happiness, peace, hope, joy. It was inspiring in so many ways in my artwork, my photography, my writing and just the way I looked at life. It brought a sense of calm and happiness & hopes in the middle of all the chaos. This impact continued to grow in me. When I married Max we lived on 10 acres in the Willamette valley of Oregon and grew dreams of making the farm we got married on into a wedding venue and flower farm haven.

After several years, several moves, including relocating and life changes, we never could have expected.  We have now put our roots down here in Wyoming on our farm. We are finally literally putting roots down as we sow our crops into the ground. Our Flower Farm is just one of the aspects of our farm that also includes fresh produce (fruits & veggies), microgreens, pumpkins, baked goods & more. We hope that with our Flowers and everything else we offer here on our farm we are able to offer a little inspiration to everyone else in the world in the same way that these flowers were able to impact my life. I hope like me, you’re able to give the idea of cut flowers a second chance and not see then simply as a gift that you give, wilt and dies but one that has the power to impact and change lives when shared and paired with love, thoughtfulness and emotions.

 ~How flowers have the power to change lives~


Flowers can literally change lives. To be honest its not just to do with the flowers. Flowers are a tool to be used in changing lives. It is to do with the thoughts behind them and the simplicity of literally “stopping to smell the roses”. Taking in the beauty of the simple things in life when everything around you literally is spinning in what appears like chaos.

Flowers are just one way people can spread love, joy, happiness, kindness and more. How many women get so hurt when they don’t get flower and see others get them? How many people express so much joy and happiness when they do receive this simple gift. Flowers can express many different things; they are so versatile.


McLean to Inspire wants to offer beautiful flowers and arrangements at affordable prices so that you can have the opportunity to share the gift of flowers however you choose to others. This is our gift to you to be able to do this and it makes us so happy to be able to see the happiness our hard work and harvests bring others.


Flowers appear at so many events, Funerals, Weddings, parties, potlucks and more. Flowers create an aesthetic. Depending on the style of the arrangement, the type of flowers and the colors. Each of these things in a floral arrangement can set or change the entire mood of an event.  Are you hosting or planning an event that you want flowers for? Reach out to us and we can work with you to see how we can meet your needs.

Are you a DIY bride looking for affordable bulk flowers for your wedding? Or are you wanting handmade floral arrangements and design services from us? Either way we would love to get to know you and discuss options with you.


 At McLean To Inspire Farm we offer a wide variety of flowers, fillers and foliage in variety of colors we are constantly trialing new things and learning to see what grows best in our climate as well as what our customers want to see more of. We test the boundaries the environment and use greenhouses and grow lights to aid and expand or ability to grow things you might not normally find in Wyoming. We strive to offer quality locally grown flowers at affordable prices.

Keep watching our website, newsletter and Instagram for more information & photos of our beautiful flowers and farm through the seasons.